Monday, August 8, 2016

"Spinners" Mystery Quilt, Clue 6

We're getting closer every week, and we're almost finished with the units for the block.

6.1  Using a sharp pencil or an erasable marker, draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on the wrong side of the Blue 3-1/2” squares.   Don’t be slap-dash about the line; the accuracy on the next step will depend on this line being truly corner to corner.

6.2  With RST, place a Blue  3-1/2” square from the previous step on one end of a White 3-1/2” x 9-1/2” strip, making sure the drawn line is oriented as shown.   Sew on the drawn line. (As in the previous clue, you may wish to sew just a thread or two toward the outside corner of the square, to allow for the thickness of the thread and the fold-back that you’re going to do.)

As in previous clues, fold back the Blue triangle and trim seam to approximately 1/4", then fold triangle back to complete this end of the strip.

 6.3   Repeat with 23 more White 3-1/2” x 9-1/2” and 23 more Blue 4” squares, for a total of 24 strip units.

6.4   Draw a diagonal line, from corner to corner, on the wrong side of 12 of the White 4” squares.  (Note that you’re using 4” squares now.)

6.5   With RST, place this White square on a Blue 4-1/2” square.   Sew a scant 1/4" on both sides of this drawn line.

6.6   Cut on the drawn line, giving you two units.   Fold back the Blue triangle and press.  Square up to 3-1/2”, making sure the seam line runs from corner to corner.   Repeat with the other unit to give you 2 HSTs (Half Square Triangle units).

6.7   Repeat with the other 11 marked White 4” squares and 11 Blue 4” squares.  You will have a total of 24 Blue/White HSTs.

6.8  Sew a Blue/White HST from the previous step to the end of a strip unit from Step 6.2, making sure the Blue triangle is oriented as shown.  Press toward the White.


6.9  Repeat with the remaining HSTs and the strip units for Step 6.3.

Total units:  24, each measuring 3-1/2” x 12-1/2”.

Previous clues/posts:

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