Thursday, July 28, 2016

Reader Poll: The Better to See You With

Quilt designs are everywhere and, in my experience, waiting rooms and health care offices can be splendid places for design inspiration--if nothing else they take your mind off what it is you're waiting for.

My dentist's office, for example, yielded some inspiration.  I love the simple but interesting design of the light fixture over the sink in the ladies' rest room.  (There may be an equally interesting one in the men's room, but I didn't check that out.)

I had occasion, in short and illuminated bytes, to study the light focused on my mouth while getting my teeth cleaned.  The hygienist thought me a wee bit crazy at first when, as we waited word on whether I'd need a crown replaced (I do), I asked if I could take a photo of the light.  (It looks a little alien-like, doesn't it?)

Here are some design ideas that came out of, and evolved from, the photo; let me know in the comments which you like best.  I know, some of them look very much the same as the next, but there are a few differences, if quite subtle at times.  And the colors are probably not the final ones,though the relative size and placement on the quilt would be as shown.

Sigh.  I like each of them, for different reasons.  Help me to decide.










The hygienist wants to see the quilt when it's finished.  There may be more than one in it.  :-)

Let me know which you like best!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

"Spinners" Mystery Quilt, Clue 4

This week we're preparing another strip unit for the block.

4.1  Using a sharp pencil or an erasable marker, draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on the wrong side of the Red 3-1/2” squares.  As last week, don’t be slap-dash about the line; the accuracy on the next step will depend on this line being truly corner to corner.

4.2  With RST, place a Red  3-1/2” square from the previous step on one end of a White 3-1/2” x 9-1/2” strip, making sure the drawn line is oriented as shown.   Sew on the drawn line. (As in the previous clue, you may wish to sew just a thread or two toward the outside corner of the square, to allow for the thickness of the thread and the fold-back that you’re going to do. )

Fold back the triangle and press, using the White strip as a base to line up the edges.  

Pull the triangle back so you can trim the seam to approximately 1/4".  

4.3  Repeat with 23 more White 3-1/2” x 9-1/2” and 23 more Red 4” squares, for a total of 24 strip units.

4.4  Draw a diagonal line, from corner to corner, on the wrong side of 12 of the White 4” squares.  (Note that you’re using 4” squares now.)

4.5   With RST, place this White square on a Red 4-1/2” square.   Sew a scant 1/4" on both sides of this drawn line.

4.6  Cut on the drawn line, giving you two units. 

Fold back the  Red triangle and press

Square up to 3-1/2”, making sure the seam line runs from corner to corner.  

I like to use the Bloc-Loc Half Square Triangle ruler (I'm not paid to say that!), but you can also use a square-up ruler.

Repeat with the other unit to give you 2 HSTs (Half Square Triangle units).

4.7  Repeat with the other 11 marked White 4” squares and 11 Red 4” squares.  You will have a total of 24 Red/White HSTs.

4.8  Sew a Red/White HST from the previous step to the end of a strip unit from Step 4.2, making sure the Red triangle is oriented as shown.  Press toward the White.

One more clue followed.  Well done!

Monday, July 18, 2016

"Spinners" Mystery Quilt, Clue 3

With the cutting behind us, it's time to start sewing!

3.1  Using a sharp pencil or an erasable marker, draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on the wrong side of 24 of the White 3-1/2” squares.   Don’t be slap-dash about the line; the accuracy on the next step will depend on this line being truly corner to corner.  (Spoiler alert:  you will be doing this with ALL the White squares you cut, so if you’re on a roll you can draw lines on all of them, then pull out 24 of the 3-1/2” squares for this clue.)

3.2  With RST, place a White 3-1/2” square from the previous step on one end of a Blue 3-1/2” x 12-1/2” strip, making sure the drawn line is oriented as shown. 

  Sew on the drawn line. (I usually sew just a thread or two toward the outside corner of the square, to allow for the thickness of the thread and the fold-back that you’re going to do.  This is the equivalent of a scant 1/4”.)

3.3  Fold back the white triangle.....

...and press, using the base of the Blue strip to match the edges exactly, and maintain the 3-1/2” x 12-1/2” measurement.

Pull back the white triangle, and trim the seam to approximately 1/4".

3.4  Repeat with the remaining 23 Blue strips and marked White squares.

Total units:   24, measuring 3-1/2” x 12-1/2”

That’s it!  I said it wasn’t going to be difficult, didn’t I?

Previous clues/posts:

Monday, July 11, 2016

"Spinners" Mystery Quilt, Clue 2

With your fabric ready to go, let's do some cutting; this cutting will prepare you for all the upcoming clues.


(8) strips 3-1/2” x WOF;  subcut EACH into (3) 3-1/2” x 12-1/2”
(1) strip 4” x WOF; subcut into(10) 4” squares
(1) strip 4” x WOF; from this subcut:
              (2) 4” squares (Add to stack of previously cut 4” squares)
              (2) 3-1/2” squares
(2) 3-1/2” x WOF; subcut EACH into: (11) 3-1/2” squares, for a total of 22
              (Add these to the Blue 3-1/2” squares cut previously.)

(8) 3-1/2” x WOF;  subcut EACH into (3) 3-1/2” x 12-1/2”
(1) 4” x WOF;  subcut into (10) 4” squares
(1) 4” x WOF; subcut into:
              (2) 4” squares (Add to stack of previously cut Red 4” squares)
              (2) 3-1/2” squares
(2) 3-1/2” x WOF; subcut EACH into (11) 3-1/2” squares
              (Add these to the Red 3-1/2” squares cut previously)   
(16) 3-1/2” x WOF; subcut EACH:
               (3) 3-1/2” x -9-1/2”
               (3) 3-1/2” squares
(2) 3-1/2” x WOF; subcut EACH into (11) 3-1/2” squares.
(3) 4” x WOF; subcut EACH:
               (8) 4” squares
               (1) 3-1/2” square

Inner Border:
(7) 1-1/2” x WOF

Outer Border:
(7) 3-1/2” x WOF

So, when all is said and done, you will have:

(24) 3-1/2” x 12-1/2”
(12) 4” squares
(24) 3-1/2” squares

(24) 3-1/2” x 12-1/2”
(12) 4” squares
(24) 3-1/2” squares

(48) 3-1/2” x -9-1/2”
(72) 3-1/2” squares
(24) 4” squares              

Inner Border:  (7) 1-1/2" x WOF
Outer Border:  (7) 3-1/2" x WOF

Monday, July 4, 2016

A New Mystery Quilt: Spinners!

Think motion and designs that spin!  I like to tackle a mystery quilt now and then, and I'm hoping you do, too!   This "Spinners" design has been on my design wall (well, archives) for awhile now, and it's time it found some legs.  The quilt doesn't have a lot of pieces, or small pieces, and I think a beginner would be fine with it--though it may not be appropriate for a first quilt.

There will be 6  or 7 more clues, depending on how I decide to divide up the finishing, and I'll post a new clue each Monday.  (Starting next week, I'll also include a link to print-friendly version of each week's clue.  They will have diagrams, rather than photos, to try to save you some ink.  :-)  

Let's get started with choosing fabric.

Clue 1: Fabric

I will be giving the finished sample quilt to Quilts of Valor, so I'm using a red, white, and blue color scheme, but other colors and combinations will work, as long as there is good contrast among the fabrics.  Think two fabrics with good contrast, and a background (white/tan, in my case).  

I think the quilt would also look good if you used three different shades of the same color  ( would be fun), provided there is good contrast.   Winter holiday colors, or colors for a kids' quilt will work.

Large prints with a lot of stuff going on are probably not the best choice for this quilt.

Here are my choices:

You will need:

Red:   1-1/4 yards
Blue:   1-1/4 yards
White/Background:  2-1/4 yards
Inner border:  3/8 yard   (Choose either the Red or Blue; I will be using Red)
Outer border:  3/4 yard     (You can use one of the fabrics in the rest of the quilt--though not the same as the Inner Border, or you can use a complementary fabric.  I will be using the same blue as in the rest of the quilt)

Have fun choosing fabrics, and I'll see you back here next Monday!