I finished the knitting on the Origami sweater, and have made a good start on the Pax scarfette for the CAL. The Tunisian crochet is not entirely new to me, but very nearly! I have been grateful for the CAL, as I got a key tip from a fellow CAL-er--it made the whole thing much easier and nicer looking! I certainly recommend CALs (Crochet A-Longs) and Ravelry, in general.
I'm just a little past halfway on the first part. (Picture this as a sort of "base" onto which some lacework is added.
This is my "practice" piece but I've decided to go ahead and finish it, or at least take it to the point at which the next chart starts. I had ordered some bamboo lace-weight for this project and I gave it a try, but it's really to slippery--too difficult for me to find the bars to pick up. Maybe I'll give it another go at some point, but I'm happy to be getting some experience and increasing comfort level with the stitch and pattern.
I was a little loose on the chaining, I think, and this isn't the softest yarn around (especially with the sequins in it!) so I will have to wear it with a turtleneck but I think that will be all right.
And I'm enjoying it, which is the whole point of it, right?
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